Congratulations to all Athletes selected for forthcoming British & Irish Masters CC Champs, hosted by Scottish Masters & run in Tollcross Park, Glasgow on Sat 11th Nov. Athletes have been notified and it is important that they confirm their selection as quickly as possible. If unable to travel and compete, please advise Team Managers, George Maybury, Men Mike Fennell, Women @ or International Sec. Pat O’ Reserves will be contacted immediately once any selected Athlete has to withdraw. Full Teams listed below.
IMAA are also pleased to announce that the following Athletes have been nominated for AAI Master Athlete of the Year. Joe Gough M70, West Waterford, Edel Maguire F60, Clonliffe Hrs & Annette Quaid F45, Leevale A.C. It was a difficult decision narrowing down to 3 Athletes, as amongst others, Geraldine Finegan F55, Carlton Haddock M50, Annette Kealy F55 & Pauline Moran F65 were strong contenders for a nomination selection. Winner will be announced at AAI Gala Awards, Crowne Plaza, Santry Wed 22nd Nov.
George Maybury
President IMAA
