Just past the half way mark at European Masters T& F Champs in Pescara and Team Ireland are currently lying in the top half of the medals table in 14th position with 8 Gold, 11 Silver & 8 Bronze medals, giving a grand total of 27. John Dwyer had the honour of winning Irelands first medal on opening day, securing 3rd in the M40 Weight Throw. Joe Gough M70 won the Teams first Gold medal over 1500m. Best wishes to all still competing over the next few days. Full results can be viewed @ www.pescaraemacs2023.it
Also from Pescara, Anne Gilshinan received her awards as Best European Female Middle Distance Athlete plus also Best Overall Female Athlete of the Year for 2022. The Women’s W40 100 Relay Team of Snezana Bechtina, Avril Dillon, Kathryn McDevitt & Sinead O’Regan were also awarded Best European Female Relay Team. Fantastic & inspirational performances from all involved.

On the home front, plans are now well underway for forthcoming trial race to select Athletes for British & Irish Masters CC Champs which will be hosted by Scottish Masters in Tollcross Park Glasgow, Sat 11thNov. Having won both overall Men’s & Women’s titles for the very first time last Nov, the challenge is now on to defend both. Trial race for selection will take place on Sunday 15th Oct, run in conjunction with AAI Open CC in Abbottstown. Entries are now open via Entry (athleticsireland.ie)Please note that entry fee currently stands @ €15 up to Wed 4th Oct increasing thereafter, butclosing on Sun 8th Oct. No late entries will be accepted after that date, so please ensure that you enter on time.
Selection criteria remains the same as in previous years, i.e. M35 to M50, teams of 6, with first 4 Athletes in each age group automatically selected. All other age categories, M55-M75 plus Women F35 to F70s all teams of 4, with first 3 home in trial automatically gaining selection. There are “wildcard” options available to Athletes who might not be available to run the trial, but wish to be considered for selection. If no “wildcard” application within a category then the first 4 or 6 Athletes in the trial will be automatically selected. Requests must be submitted in writing to International Sec @ internationalsec@gmail.comadvising why unable to run trial plus must also submit recent race results for Sept/Oct. Applications must be lodged by Wed 11th Oct. Verbal requests will not be entertained plus all Athletes must be registered Members of IMAA.
Should also point out that any Athlete(s) who are running in one category in the trial but will be eligible for next category by 11th Nov, please advise Comm Members @ IMAA desk on Sun 15th, so they are fully aware and can select accordingly. If not brought to their attention & Athletes selected and notified, it’s not possible to adjust Teams after wards.
There are also Individual Champ medals available to top 3 in F75 & M80 categories should Athletes wish to try out for these. Any Athlete(s) in those age categories can drop down & gain selection to F70 & M75s should they finish in the top 3 within those age groups.
George Maybury
President IMAA